:Base PhotoEdt.hlp :Title PhotoEditor Help 1 About 2 PhotoEditor=about_PhotoEditor 2 IMSI=about>about 1 How To... 2 Open an image=open_image>secwin 2 Scan an image into PhotoEditor=scan>secwin 2 Drag-and-drop images into PhotoEditor=drag>secwin 2 Load an image from the Picture Browser=photo_browser>secwin 2 Copy an image onto the Clipboard=copy>secwin 2 Paste an image from the Clipboard=paste>secwin 2 Deskew a scanned image=deskew>secwin 2 Crop an image=crop>secwin 2 Resize an image=size>secwin 2 Change the brightness and contrast=brightness>secwin 2 Change the focus and texture=focus>secwin 2 Rotate and flip an image=rotate>secwin 2 Change the colors of an image=colour>secwin 2 Undo your changes=undo>secwin 2 Save your changes=save>secwin 2 Exit PhotoEditor=exit>secwin 1 Menus 2 File menu=file1_menu>secwin 2 Edit menu=edit1_menu>secwin 2 Help menu=help_menu>secwin 1 Keyboard shortcuts 2 Using the keyboard=shortcuts 1 The PhotoEditor window 2 What does everything do?=window